1. There are four Formative Assessments and two Summative Assessments in a year. The final or promotion examination is usually held during the first week of March. 20% of the average marks of F.A. and 80% of SA II will be added for promotion.
2. The progress report will be sent to the parents for perusal and signature. It should be signed and returned within three days of its issue.
3. Sufficient attendance in accordance with the departmental rules must be put in.
4. Attendance at tests and examinations is compulsory.
5. A Student absent for any examination for any reason other than illness will be considered as having failed. In case of illness produce a duely attested doctor’s certificate.
6. No special examination will be held for any student for any reason whatsoever, either before or after the time fixed for the examination.
7. A student found copying or helping others to copy during the examination or if discovered subsequently will be punished severely. Such a student is liable to be expelled from the school.
8. Examination answer scripts (with the exception of those of the final examination) may be shown to the students in class for remedial work and will be collected again and kept in the School Office. No one is allowed to take any answer paper to their home.