Rules & Regulation To The Student
You are most important link in education. You are the ones to study and grow. Remember that you are studying for yourself. But that study has to be useful for you, your society and the country. You are the treasure of your family. Remember the following carefully:
1. School gates will be closed at 8:40 am. Those who come late to school will not be admitted into the class without a note from H.M.
2. The students should come to school punctually and regular in clean and full uniform.
3. The school uniform consists of white blouse with blue pinafore with knife pleats. All should wear P.T.Uniform on the specified days. All should wear navy blue bloomers (1to IV) and shorts (V to X). PT uniform for classes I to X on Mondays and Thursdays. Wearing ID card is a must.
4. The prospectus should be brought to school every day.
5. Parents are informed and especially asked to note that in the interest of your children and the discipline of the school that you keep most strictly to the days of the opening and closing of the school. Many parents request extension for long holidays due to outstation, family functions, doctors appointments etc. Please be clearly informed that leave on any pretext, extending long vacations will not be granted. There will be no prefixing or suffixing of holidays. Students will not be granted leave for social functions and pilgrimages.
6. Students will have to make good any damage done to school property or those belonging to other students.
7. Students shall be respectful to their teachers, helpful and kind to their companions.
8. During the change of period pupils shall rise and thank the teachers who have finished the lesson and greet the incoming teacher.
9. No student shall leave the class room without the teacher’s permission.
10. Buying and selling, collecting money, subscription for papers, magazines etc, is not allowed without the approval of the authorities.
11. Students are not allowed to take part in political or other movements.
12. Membership in clubs and societies outside the school that would interfere with the students studies is prohibited.
13. Letters to students addressed to the school are subject to scrutiny by the school authorities. Every student should take care of her own belongings.
14. Strict silence must be observed from the First Assembly bell till students reach the class after Assembly and during change of periods.
15. Ornaments electronic gadgets, applying nail polish and mehendi getting eyebrows done are strictly forbidden in school. The school is not responsible for the loss of jewellery, money or other articles kept by the children. Cell phones are strictly forbidden in the school.
16. No collection for any purpose whatsoever, either by the staff or students can be made without the sanction of the Headmistress.
17. Headmistress’s permission should be obtained by the staff or student to arrange for a meeting, a party, a picnic etc.
18. Irregular attendance, insubordination to teacher’s habitual inattention to class work, forging parent’s signature, tampering with the marks on the progress report card, stealing, writing or scribbling on the walls of the school, absence and vulgar language, copying in school exams are punishable by immediate expulsion from the school.
19. All students of St. Francis will endeavour to vie with one another in proving their loyalty to their School by respectful behavior towards the school and the members of the staff and by ready co-operation in all the activities of the school and by living upto its noble tradition and time- honoured customs, at all times and all places.
20. Students are not permitted to leave the school premises even for meals. In case of urgent necessity, they will inform the class teacher and H.M.
21. Students suffering from fever, vomiting and aches of any kind will not come to school, even on FA days, until they have completely recovered. Prior information about syllabus and timetable for the SA and FA would be given whereas assignments will be conducted after the completion of one or two units.
22. Students will not be permitted to go home after the Formative Assessment in order to attend marriage, a function or for any other reason. If their presence is needed in the family let them not attend school that day.
23. Students should keep the school premises clean and pleasant students are expected to carry spoon and napkin along with their lunch box. Waste paper, fruit skins and seeds must be thrown in the baskets and bins provided for the purpose.
24. On the second Saturday of every month class teachers and other teachers are available to parents to enquire about the progress of their children. On other days teachers may be contacted before or after class hours. It is mandatory for the parents to attend PTA meetings.
25. The school authorities may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character within or without the school precincts, as far as such rules are necessary to maintain the credit and reputation of the school.
26. 5 marks are awarded for Social Service general behaviour punctuality, uniform and cleanliness. Students are not allowed to apply mehendi and come to school.
27. Take a pledge that you will follow the rules and regulations of the school.
28. Come to school after regularly studying the lessons.
29. Do the home work regularly and by yourself.
30. Improve reading habits. Daily at least four hours read the text books and at least one hour read other good books.
31. In the morning reach the class before the first bell without making noise listen to the hymn or revise your lessons as you reach the class.
32. Clean room is a place for study. It is not good to run and jump and play in the class room. Keep discipline in the class don’t use the tables for sitting.
33. Keep to your left while walking in the corridors.
34. In the school compound walk briskly and speak in moderate voice.
35. Do not crowd near the staff room and office.
36. Go silently whenever you go out of class for any activity/ sports. Use class pass when you leave the class for personal needs.
37. Obey your leaders, monitors and be loving and helpful to all students.
38. Obey what your teachers tell you. When you meet them greet them and show respect to them. Genuine love for them automatically create interest in their subject.
39. Take care of your own things and do not take which is not yours.
40. Be disciplined in the class, on the ground and outside the school.